Plants which bring scent in to a winter garden

Until spring arrives in March there is often a lull in the garden as it looks uninspiring and deary. There is a surprising range of plants that not only flower in winter but bring the garden alive with a winter scent.

Winter flowering plants are amongst the most highly scented of all garden plants as they try to outdo one another in order to attract pollinators.

Here are a few of Sempervirens favourite winter flowering plants

Hamamelis – Witch Hazel  -they are not just used for their healing properties, witch hazel have beautiful clusters of spidery flowers that bloom on bare stems from December to late February. Colours range from yellow, reds and oranges.

Lonicera fragrantissima – Winter flowering honeysuckle – this is a bush and not a climber. A semi evergreen large shrub which has highly scented fragrant creamy-white tubular flowering during winter into the early spring.

Sarcococca confusa – Christmas Box – a compact evergreen slow growing shrub that thrives in shade. Small, creamy white flowers with a highly intense scent that will stop you in your tracks.

Skimmia x confusa Kew Green – large cone shaped clusters of flowers which start green and mature to cream. These flowers have a powerful scent.

Mahonia –  Bright yellow spires of flowers which have a scent similar to Lily of the valley.



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